Article 13. Duration of CONTRACT
The PARTIES agree that the CONTRACT shall take effect on……(the date it is signed)……., for an exceptional period lasting until the……….. (31st of December 2015)………….
It is tacitly understood that it shall be renewed for further periods of twelve (12) months for a maximum of four (4) twelve (12) month periods, unless one of the PARTIES has given three (3) months notice to the other PARTY of its intention to terminate the CONTRACT before the end of a period.
At least, three (3) months before the end of the last period of renewal, the PARTIES agree to meet together in order to consider the re-negotiation of terms and conditions of their contractual relationship on the basis of a new contract.
The provisions of this article shall apply without either Party being entitled in any way to claim for compensation, damages or indemnity whatsoever.