Global Campus > Economics and Business
- International Business faculty course course descriptions
Course Descriptions
* Managerial Accounting
This course focuses on managerial usage of accounting information. Students will understand the process of figuring cost information and how accounting information is used in each decision-making process, including the planning and management stages.
* International Business
Discusses the general management issues for international businesses, building on the Principles of Business Management course. The main topics include foreign direct investment, overseas expansion strategies, management strategies, corporate relationship with home country, corporate relationship with host countries, and international business organization, function, strategies, and analysis.
* Business Law
This course covers theories and actual application of laws on companies, which are the most important entities of economic activities under the capitalist system. Lectures are given on detailed legal matters, such as those related to sales activities and settlement (bills, checks).
* Marketing Management
Examines the marketing management process in general, based on an understanding of marketing concepts. Deals with consumer behavior, marketing research, marketing plans, STP, and marketing mix.
* Financial Management
This course researches investment and financing decisions of different economic entities, including corporations and individuals. It uses theories and adopts practical perspectives to approach such matters as how value evaluation is carried out; how uncertainties are reflected in the decision making process; and how a company's business status is analyzed and forecasted.
* Area Study (1)
Students study the political, social, cultural, historical, and economic status of Asian nations, including ASEAN, and BRICs, where Korean companies have recently been actively advancing into, as well as the cooperative status among the nations. They enhance the understanding and knowledge about countries in this region.
* Business Statistics
Students develop the ability to study business-related materials, organize and analyze the materials, and reach conclusions that are objectively reasonable. Key content include probability distribution, sample theories, estimation and hypothesis, analysis of variance, and regression analysis.
* Quantitative Methods in Business
This course deals with basic principles and their application methods in relation to establishing and solving various mathematical models needed for operation of systems, including companies. Key content include linear programming, network models, and decision making theories.
* International Business Environment
Students acquire an understanding of the various environments needed for a company to engage in international business, such as the political, social, cultural, institutional, and economic environments, and learn about methods to analyze and evaluate such envi- ronments.
* Business English
Acquaints students with English expressions, letter-writing, and trade-related terminology required in international trading. Teaches how to fill out forms such as letters of credit, bills of exchange, and B/L.
* Theory of Consumer Behavior
This course aims at helping students understand how various consumers think, their attitudes, actions, and process of making purchasing decisions, for efficient marketing management. Based on concepts and theories on psychological and social communication related to individual and group consumers, students better understand matters related to consumer behavior and identify effective marketing strategies.
* Area Study (2)
Students study the political, social, cultural, historical, and economic status of North America, the European Union, and Eastern European countries, where Korean companies have recently been actively advancing into, as well as the cooperative status among the nations in the region. They enhance their understanding and acquire knowledge about countries in this region.
* Investment
Students better understand the functions of the capital market and characteristics of securities, based on which they analyze the value of various securities. They research reasonable and efficient portfolio management techniques based on the relationship between risk and expected rate of return, and evaluate management performance. This course offers lectures and practical exercises through mock investments or case studies.
* Theory of International Financial Management
Deals with financial affairs of international companies including financing and administration of capital. Based on the assumption that students already have knowledge of the international financial market, this course deals with topics such as international financing, exchange risk control, foreign investment decision-making, international financial innovation, and innovative international financing techniques.
* Marketing Strategy
The key strategic elements of marketing are the 4P. Students study theories and actual applications of the 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) as a way of drawing up marketing strategies and methods on combining them.
* Marketing Research
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with various research methods for decision making and problem solving in the marketing field, including consumer behavior. Students also gain an understanding of how such research methodologies are actually used. The course explains and reminds students of the limitations of various multivariate analysis methods, with focus on psychological characteristics analysis, which was recently developed.
* Theory of International Trade
Deals with the branch of international economics that attempts to explain international trade from a theoretical perspective. Teaches basic theories on the origin of trade, the benefits of trade, the determination of trade patterns and price factors, balance of payments, and exchange rate determination.
* Financial Accounting
Based on knowledge of accounting principles, this course covers more in-depth financial accounting-related issues and accounting operations. Students study the influence of accounting operations on financial statements.
* Organizational Behavior
This course takes a behavioral science approach to the essence of the organization of modern corporations and the characteristics of human behavior within organizational order. In detail, the purpose of this course is to research the relationships among organizational members, relevant issues, and ways to resolve issues.
* International Business Strategies
This course will focus on national-level strategies to enhance national competitiveness through various measures, including strategies to advance into overseas markets by multinational corporations, on-site management strategies, and other activities conducted by multinational companies. These measures are being taken to actively respond to the business environment, which must address the increasing need for localization, in line with recent globalization of the international market.
* Field Experience International Business
This course is designed to enable students to visit a specific country and accumulate field experience. Students carry out market surveys overseas and visit overseas companies to conduct interviews. Students then write reports on themes related to international marketing and international business.
* International Marketing
Deals with marketing issues of international companies. Examines the marketing challenges presented by the internationalization of companies and deals with such topics as planning marketing activities to suit globalized market conditions, international market research and international marketing programs.
* International Trade Practice
Students learn about mediating trade and such procedures as contracting, shipment, insurance, and payment in relation to exports and imports of goods and services - in other words, trade among countries.
* Operations Management
This course helps students understand business operation functions. They learn how such functions are systematically designed, operated, and controlled, and also study relevant key issues and solutions.
* Securities Market
The securities market is at the core of the financial market and is an extremely important part of the modern capitalist society. To help students understand the securities market, this course presents an outline of securities and the securities market, and explains financial products, stocks, bonds, futures, and options, as well as other market trading structures and price-determining theories related to securities.
* Derivative Securities
Lectures are given on the basic concept of derivative securities, including futures, options, and swaps, as well as their trading methods, market structure, price-determining models, and hedging strategies.
* Introduction to E-Business
There has been a rapid increase in demand for experts with electronic commerce planning skills and technological implementation skills. This course is designed to address this demand and provide a personnel and technological foundation to the domestic electronic commerce-related industry.
* International Economics
This course comprises international trade and international finance theories. In terms of international trade theories, students review theories on product trade and analyze the economy. Regarding international finance theories, students analyze international economic phenomena based on movement of capital. Learning theories enables the establishment of a fundamental framework for understanding the global economy and implementing corporate management strategies. Through this process, students better understand the real economy and develop the ability to analyze future economic phenomena.
* Research Seminar in