Fourth, we examined only two journals in which researchers in INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL psychology publish. Perhaps academics publishing in practitioner oriented journals are more likely to address issues that are related more closely to human capital trends as compared with academics publishing in JAP and PPsych. Fortunately, that re search has been done. Dead rick and Gibson (2007) content analyzed 20 years worth of articles published in two academic oriented journals (JAP and PPsych) and two practitioner oriented journals (Human Resource Management and HR Magazine). They found numerous large interest area gaps between HR professionals and academics, with the practitioner oriented journals generally publishing articles that were more consistent with human capital trends. Although academics tended to focus primarily on organizational behavior–motivation, job performance, and teams, practitioners published many more articles on compensation–rewards, strategic HR, technology, and international–global issues. The latter are more closely aligned with human capital trends, as shown in our Table 6.