Table 1
Ten Differences Between Small- and Large- Power Distance Societies
Small Power Distance
-Use of power should be legitimate and is subject to criteria of good and evil
-Parents treat children as equals
-Older people are neither respected nor feared
-Student-centered education
-Hierarchy means inequality of roles, established for convenience
-Subordinates expect to be consulted
-Pluralist governments based on majority vote and changed peacefully
-Corruption rare; scandals end political careers
-Income distribution in society rather even
-Religions stressing equality of believers
Large Power Distance
-Power is a basic fact of society antedating good or evil: its legitimacy is irrelevant
-Parents teach children obedience
-Older people are both respected and feared
- Teacher-centered education
-Hierarchy means existential inequality
-Subordinates expect to be told what to do
-Autocratic governments based on co-optation and changed by revolution
-Corruption frequent; scandals are covered up
- Income distribution in society very uneven
-Religions with a hierarchy of priests