In the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education of Training of Bachelors and
Masters it is formulated: “Realization of competence-based approach must provide the wide use of active and
interactive forms of conducting studies in the educational process (computer simulations, business and role plays,
case studies, psychological and other trainings) in combination with out-of-class work for formation and
development of the professional skills of learners. When implementing Bachelor Degree Programme and
Master’s Programme electronic learning and distance educational technologies may be applied” (The Federal
State Educational Standard, 2009).
Distance learning takes a special place in interactive forms of teaching which must provide:
• modern level of specialists training;
• introduction of the new information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process, the
best practices on use of distance learning of domestic and foreign educational institutions;
• creation of favourable conditions for educational methodical activities of teaching personnel;
• increase of a share of self-guided work of students during studying a discipline;
• replenishment of a bank of the electronic educational resources (EER).