Options for code generation. Below is a description:
Synchronized transition methods - By checking, it causes the generated code to:
• Java: add the synchronized keyword to the transition method declarations.
• VB.net: encapsulate the transition method's body in a SyncLock Me, End SyncLock block.
• C#: encapsulate the transition method's body in a lock(this) {...} block.
Generate try/catch - Uncheck to not generate try/catch code. You are recommended to keep this checked. Uncheck only in C
++ applications where exceptions are not used.
Generate debug message - Adds debug output messages to the generated code.
Re-generate transition methods - Check to overwrite the transition methods in code, including the implementation.
Browse output directory after generate - Open the output path.
Auto create transition operations - If a transition is named, but does not have Operation assigned. By checking this option
operation will be created to the parent class, named as the transition name.
Generate sample - Generate sample files to guide you how to work with the generated file.