This paper is focused on recent developments in microprocessors and digital IC’s with a special attention to applications to motion control. In this area, where the processing requirements are numerous and demanding, a wide range of processors can be used: general-purpose microprocessors, microcontrollers, advanced processors (DSP’s,RISC processors, parallel processors), and ASIC’s. These devices will be studied with emphasis on features that are specifically necessary for the implementation of real-time control systems. Development and debugging tools required for developing sophisticated microprocessor-based control systems are described. The capabilities of ASIC’s in motion control and their design process are examined. Typical application examples illustrating recent research works in digital motion control using microprocessors and digital IC’s are presented. The potentials of new devices will be considered for possible application to high-performance drive systems. Finally, trends for future development of the microprocessor technology for motion control applications will be projected.