Prior Year Journals are the only method of amending the values for the previous financial year once that year is closed. They are generally used for auditor adjustments or other late adjustments to the financial values. To ensure that you are setup for prior year journals, please log a call with Software Support. To enter prior year journals:
•From the Master Menu, select the Nominal Ledger option and the Company required
•Select Period End Options from the Nominal ledger main menu
•Select Prior Year Journals from the Period end options menu
•You are now ready to enter your journals in the normal method with a posting date of the last date of the previous financial year.
Please be aware of the following with regards to prior year journals. Firstly, when you print daybooks the system will create entries in both the current and archive transaction files as well as updating values in the account header and account history files. The current file transactions will show as brought forward balances.
Also you must ensure that any prior year journals entered on a site that is setup as divisional must balance for each division as Inter-divisional journals will not run on prior year journals.
Finally, prior year journals can be entered up until the end of the next financial year, but must be closed before that financial year can be advanced.