Hi sweetheart,
how are you, I was unable to give you my flight details earlier due to my busy schedule couple with preparations to be with you. Thank you so much for your care so far and i want you to know that i miss you and can't wait any longer to be with you. The below attached image is my flight ticket information, I will be leaving tomorrow Friday to Malaysia and arrive Sunday evening. I'm now counting days to meet you,
Honey i will keep you informed as soon as i arrive in Malaysia, i will also buy a local mobile line to keep you updated of whatever am doing there so you know when i will be with you there. I'm so exited that i will meet you soon, I'm also nervous and still can't imagine what i will do when i set my eyes on you at the airport. What more will i do to a woman who have opened her heart to take me as part of her life, i will whisper to your ears how much you have captured my heart and make sure that i give you the best part of my heart. Looking forward to celebrate with you...
Yours truly,