Internal Audit Report
Fleet Inventory Processing
September 10, 2010
year 2008/09.
As a result of our testing during the audit we were able to determine that the Fleet Management
Division generally maintains an acceptable level of internal controls over the parts inventory
warehouse. The warehouse premises and the inventory of parts appear well organized for an
efficient warehouse operation. Parts inventory quantities are kept at reasonable levels and parts
used are charged back to the respective departments requiring service and maintenance of their
vehicles and equipment. However, our testing also identified some deficiencies in reference to the
1. A special refurbished radiator kept in stock because of the difficulty to obtain was not included
in the Faster System inventory of parts.
2. As a result of the physical inventory counts, 143 parts (9.4%) were found to have differences
between the physical inventory counts and the parts inventory levels recorded in the Faster
System. There were 70 part numbers where the system count was over the physical counts
and 73 parts where the system count was under the physical counts. The over results indicate
that parts are missing from the inventory because they may have been issued as part of a
work order but not reduced from system records, or they were removed from the warehouse
3. Most of the policies and procedures for the Fleet Management Warehouse are in draft form
and in general were not properly dated. We noted other specific deficiencies among the
policies and procedures that require updating.
4. The large storeroom in the parts warehouse does not have any security camera coverage on
the gate/door leading to a dock area next to the waterway.
Additional details regarding the above mentioned and other areas in need of correction have been
provided on the Findings, Recommendations, and Management Responses section of this report.
The purpose of this audit is to determine whether the Fleet Management Division maintains an
adequate level of internal controls over the parts inventory warehouse to ensure these are properly
safeguarded, and the receiving and issuing of parts is accurately recorded.
1. Review the adequacy of documented operating policies and procedures to ensure the efficient
and effective management of the Fleet parts warehouse.
2. Review the process of purchasing and distributing inventory parts to ensure there is proper
segregation of duties.
3. Select invoices of inventory parts purchases and work orders where these parts are issued
from the warehouse to evaluate if these are accurately and timely recorded in the Faster
System. Determine the adequacy of these processes and their supporting documentation.
4. Select charge-back transactions for Fleet replacement parts and trace the accuracy and
posting to their respective general ledger accounts.
5. Verify that warehouse inventory items are stored in an orderly manner, clearly labeled, and