Happy birthday Leonie, have some corn!
I know this is different, and not what i'd usually upload. But as many of you know, i don't treat my YouTube channel like a factory. I have a very human approach to it. And enjoy sharing my life with you guys. Although this video is probably more for people that are currently in a Long Distance Relationship and want to see that it's possible.
But OK. Hi. My name is Mattias, some might know me as h0lmb0m, and I have never spent this much time on a video ever before. To record material month after month without knowing what it is for, is really difficult. But after an amazing time down in Australia with my girl, Leonie, I knew what I wanted to make out of it all.
The editing process took me too many hours to complete. Not only did going through all the hours of clips i had take time, but I've had soo many technical difficulties because my computer is slowly dying. I even installed 2x the RAM i had, to finish this project. That's some true love right there.
With that said I've never smiled so much during editing. This is a very precious little film to me and my life.