The difference in the achievement and average assignment scores for experimental and control group students
In order to reveal the prospective difference between the control (C2) and experimental group (C1), differences between scores for final and midterm exams, and average assignment scores were investigated. Only 39 students from C1 and 34 from C2 submitted their assignments. Only 43 students from C1 and 35 from C2 undertook the midterm and final exams (Table 4). The effect of PBL intervention on students’ various scores was then checked by an independent samples t-test.
The independent samples t-test was significant for average assignment scores. There was also a 25.27 mean difference between the average assignment scores of C2 and C1. The results were statistically significant in favor of group C2. The average assignment scores of the students seemed to change with respect to the groups of students. However, the test was not significant for midterm and final exam scores.