Year home was built subtracted from 2005
Finished square feet in home
Lot area in acres
Dummy variable indicating presence (1)/absence (0) of basement Elevation of lot on which the home sits in feet
Dummy variable indicating whether lot is in a FEMA floodway (1) or not (0)
Distance to closest road with high traffic volume in m
Distance to closest central business district (Minneapolis or St. Paul) in m
Distance to closest shopping center in m
Distance to closest college or university in m
Average 3rd grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment score for local elementary school Average 5th grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment score for local elementary school Average 7th grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment score for local middle school
Tax amount divided by estimated market value of home (times 100)
Viewshed area in square m
Standard deviation of elevations in a viewshed (measure of relief)
View richness calculated as percentage of possible land use and land cover types present in a viewshed Percentage of a viewshed composed of forest
Percentage of a viewshed composed of grassy land covers
Percentage of a viewshed composed of water
Dummy variable indicating if a property has a view of downtown St. Paul (0 if no, 1 if yes)
Road distance to closest park in m Euclidean distance to closest trail in m Euclidean distance to closest lake in m
Expected relationship to sale price
Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative
Positive Negativea Positive Negativea Positive Positive Positive Negativea
Positive Positive Negativea Positive Positive Positive Positive
Negativea Negativea Negativea Negativea
Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive
traileuc lake stream
Euclidean distance to closest stream Market segment variables (reference location is east St. Paul)
in m