Could you help me about formula F?
I would like some ask to question ab below.
1. Can change short term sales (4 weeks).
2. Please explain "QTY_SOLD_PROMOTION" of the table DIMENSION_DAILY_STATS.
(This value constitutes the reduced to clear quantity (RTC))
3. Please explain "SITE_XREF_IN_QTY" of the table DIMENSION_DAILY_STATS. Now i cannot see "SITE_XREF_IN_QTY". I can see "XRFE_IN_QTY".
4. AVAIL = OH + OO - AIT - (ASR +(ABM * DAYS)
What are means the "AVAIL" and "AIT".
I'm not sure about "QTY_SOLD_PROMOTION" from POS this same meaning DIMENSION_DAILY_STATS.QTY_SOLD_PROMOTION. Could you please confirm?