Earlier studies examined the relationship between residents' attitude and perception toward tourism and support for specific tourism options. Andereck and Vogt found residents of Arizona com- agreed that tourism can positively affect community development and quality of life and most disagreed that tourism has negative consequences. In a follow-up study Andereck et al. 2005) reported that Arizona state residents had shifted their views and now recognized that tourism generated both positive and negative impacts on the community. This study suggested the needs for education and awareness campaigns to increase understanding and support from local residents for the tourism industry. In their study of residents in Nadi of Fiji, King et al. (1993) found the majority of respondents had positive perception of tourism impacts. Liu and Var Cl986) reported that residents in Hawaii had positive attitudes towards the economic impact of tourism. Many valued the protection of the environment over the economic benefits of tourism. Rothman Cl978 reported that litter, noise, crowding in the tourist area, an increase in crime, and less satisfaction with the quality of life during the tourist season were main concerns of residents in beach destinations