The chemical, physico-chemical and functional properties of flour and starch from three varieties of jackfruit
seed were analyzed in this study. Starch was isolated using distilled water, alkaline and α-amylase enzyme. All varieties of
jackfruit seed flour had moisture content 6.28-9.16%, protein 9.19-11.34%, fat 1.18-1.40%, ash 1.53-2.66%, amylose
26.49%-30.21% and starch contents 81.05%-82.52%. Gala variety had highest amount of water soluble index, swelling
water capacity and water absorption index than Khaja and Durasha varieties. On the other hand, isolated starch varied 8.39
to 12.20% moisture, 1.09 to 3.67% protein, 1.18 to 1.40% fat, 0.03 to 0.59% ash content. Starch isolated with distilled
water had higher protein content, yield, amylose and total starch than starch isolated with alkaline and enzyme. However,
purity was depended on the variety and extraction conditions. Enzymatic method gave highest amount of water absorption
index and water soluble index as compared to distilled water and alkaline method. Results from this study suggest that
jackfruit seed flour can be used as partial replacement of wheat flour and good source of starch.