How it works:
Click one of our advertising packages from below.
If this package allow targeting - select your target groups.
When you are done you will have the price, that will be deducted from your account, calculated.
Fill out the "Order Form"
on the last page to complete the advertisement ordering process.
Complete all the information requested on the form then click submit.
Once your ad has been approved, it will be processed and ran.
we don't accept ads with 0iframes , virus or anthing affects our members' visits,if so your ad will be rejected,and your ad link will be banned.
Cash Balance: $110,000.00 Points Balance: 0 Points
Advertising Packages
* This ad allows targeting. Price determined after choosing targets.
NOTE: Redemptions for targeted ad will not be processed unless you have the necessarry funds to cover this expense after the price is calculated.