Professor Hardwigg yells excitedly to Harry. Harry ran to the professor to find him sitting in front of a very old looking book, with yellowed pages and hand-made cover. Harry is starving, but forgets about it over the strange excitement. Harry asks Professor Hardwigg what all of the excitement is over so he explains: The book is an old Icelandic book written by Heims-Kringla, a very brilliant author from the twelfth century. Harry reaches over and grabs the book, and a manuscript written in a different hand falls out. The professor quickly discovers the author of it being Arne Saknussemm, a brilliant alchemist of the 16th century who was killed because of his views. The Professor and Harry can’t decode the document. The professor gets very frustrated and vows that he won’t eat or sleep until he decodes the parchment. After a while, even he gets frustrated with it and leaves the office in which they are working. Harry picks up the small document and looks at it as he smokes!
from his pipe. He starts to get warm so he fans himself with the parchment, amazingly when he turned it upside down, he was able to easily read it. It said the exact location and a short story of how to find the center of the earth. This started the long journey. The excited professor and Harry set off on an excellent adventure.
Soon the two are on their way to Sneffels, Iceland, and island nearly totally covered in volcanic craters. The parchment says exactly how to find the right crater, however once they reach Sneffels, one of the Professors friends offers him a guide. The guide named Hans is very strong and speaks danish. The trio starts their amazing journey at the start of the next day. They checked their supplies that night and get a good nights sleep. As soon as daylight broke they were off, heading to the specified crater. It took all day to reach the entrance at the bottom of the crater, so they again slept. The next day they st...