Sent on Behalf of Teri Crumley:
Thanks to all of you who were able to fill out the survey. This is just a friendly reminder for those of you WHO DID NOT GET A CHANCE to fill it out, we have extended the deadline to August 7th. After that date it will be closed and the results reviewed and shared with all of you.
Step 1: If you are new to QuickFile, it is Deere's new way to send recordings of Lync Online Meetings. When you log into, you will need to enter your John Deere email address and John Deere password. You can then download the video once you are logged in. (Note: Depending on your computer’s graphics card, the browser for viewing the recording may be best in either Chrome or FireFox, as opposed to Internet Explorer.)
Step 2: Watch this quick video tutorial on how to download the Lync recording from QuickFile:
Step 3: Play the recording. I sent a separate e-mail about 12 hours ago with the supplemental documents.