7.1 Preparation period : August 13th -August 19th , 2016
7.2 Material & Spare part ready for inspection : August 05th , 2016
7.2 Shutdown period : August 20th –31th , 2016
7.3 Mechanical day : August 21th – 30th , 2016
7.4 Startup / Standby period : August 30th – 3rd Sep , 2016
During Startup/Standby period. Contractor shall stand by manpower including Torque services.
For preparation period, CONTRACTOR shall be ready on site for work preparation at least 7 working days prior to work start as per CONTRACT period for action as follows :
- Safety orientation to all manpower.
- Equipment and tool inspection.
- Site survey and tag identification for each isolation and blind point.
- Setup for working area, relevant material, tools, utilities and other required supports.