23. The coconut palm is thought of by Pacific peoples as *
(A) a divine gift (B) unique to their part of the world (C) the center of their harvest festivals (D) an essentially decorative tree
24. Although the Coconut palm grows wild on islands, the Pacific peoples rarely permit *
(A) strangers to harvest the fruit (B) even an isolated tree to go unharvested (C) young trees to remain in inaccessible locations (D) isolated trees to grow to full maturity
25. The Coconut palm provides for the islands *
(A) the exclusive basis of their material culture (B) an important object of religious worship (C) the principal Source for craftsmen’s ornaments (D) an important factor in a culture based on forest products
26. All of the following are used by Melanesian craftsmen EXCEPT *
(A) shell (B) stone (C) bone (D) metal
27. What can be inferred about Sepik River culture? *
(A) It stresses the hostility of the natural world. (B) It is markedly different from other Melanesian cultures. (C) It stresses the kinship of human and plant life. (D) It is organized into clans that are mutually suspicious.
28. Within Melanesia, the Sepik River area culture is apparently noted for its *
(A) craft objects (B) agricultural produce (C) forest products (D) gifted orators
29. The annual yam festival takes place *
(A) throughout Melanesia (B) among those tribes that harvest no coconuts (C) among upland tribes of the Sepik River area (D) among all tribes living on New Guinea
30. A man from the Sepik River area culture will try to grow superior yams principally in order to *
(A) show that he works harder than others (B) honor the spirits of the dead (C) provide his family with nourishing food (D) demonstrate his own power and importance