.4. Processing costs
The above non-product output not only has material purchase value but has also undergone processing in the company before leaving it again. Thus, wasted labour and capital costs should be added.
Work time lost due to inefficient production and a share of depreciation for machinery as well as possible other costs should be accounted for under this item. For waste of raw materials and products in the various phases of production (usually solid or liquid) pro rata production costs are calculated as a percentage-based premium on the material purchase value. Wasted auxiliary and operating materials as well as packaging should either be quoted under non- product material output and not be listed again or, if they have not been included there, they should be added via the production costs. For energy and water, no estimates have to be made, as they have been included in material purchase.
In the energy column, processing costs only apply if the company produces its own energy. In analogy with the estimate for losses of efficiency in supplied energy costs, the appropriate proportion should also be listed here.