I always wonder what kind of messages some popular persons would get...
I guess some messages must be really sick.
Sometimes I look at profiles photos and I amaze myself about some texts...
I made some decisions about my Thai character in the book...
I want to write... but I know I have not enough information yet!
and I have received the first review by one of my test readers.
I will not bore you too much with his comments, but they were surprisingly positive.
But he is no fan of fantasy novels... I think my book was the first fantasy novel he has ever read.
He thinks... all books with elves, dwarves, giants must be children books... and yes... if you think my book is a book for children, you will have problems: it has tortures, rapes, people beheaded...
I will leave some curiosity for you... if you want to know about Namkhang Paifah... ask me, or wait until you can get a Thai copy (= never !!).
Well... I have met several nice Thai people, and I feel obliged to translate the part about Namkhang into English... To show them my gratitude...
See you soon !