Detroit's automobile manufacturers. When customer convenience is critical is tot many retail stores, the location decision is often dictated by concerns such as proximity t highway or pedestrian traffic.
What contingencies are going to be critical in your sailboat business? Obviously need employees with boat building skills, and they're most likely to be plentirul th areas such as New England, Florida, and southern California. Shipping costs of might product are likely to be a major expenditure. So, to keep your prices competitive, you want to locate close to your customers. That again suggests the East, West, or be or possibly the Great Lakes region. Weather might be an additional factor. It might in expensive to build boats outside in warm-weather climates than indoors during winter your the northeastern United States. If labor availability, shipping costs, and weather are critical contingencies, you still have a great deal of latitude in vour location decision you choose a region, you still must select a community and a specific site.