the equal opportunities position holds that fundamental inequalities and injustices exist in work life and that they are responsible for the low number of women leaders. Prejudices and discrimination prevent women from attaining positions with major decision-making authority. Because of this, women are concentrated at low levels in organizations. Even with education arid qualifications similar to those of men, they have problems advancing above supervisory ranks.
This perspective emphasizes that the factors limiting women's advancement in leadership are largely external. As far as qualifications and socialization go, the two sexes are viewed as equal; therefore, there is no reason why men and women should not be found in equal numbers in leadership positions.
The bases for equal opportunity arguments are moral, centering around the theme of fundamental fairness. Unfair stereotypes affect not only selection and promotion but also career development opportunities so$ performance ap- praisals. The culprits are thus organizational conditions, stereotypes, and dis- crimination. The argument for paying attention to the problems of women leaders is a moral and political one, based on the belief that everyone deserves a fair chance. This is a common position in the United States, with its emphasis on upward mobility and career success (Adler, 1997)