The goal of this project is to develop a catapult system that can be used to throw a squash
ball the farthest distance and to be able to have some degree of accuracy with the
mechanism. In order for this project to be successful at all, the catapult must at least
work and actually through the ball. The degree of success will be determined by how
accurate and how far we can get the catapult to through the ball.
The design of the catapult mechanism has several design constraints placed on it. First
the mechanism used for this catapult system must use at least a four-bar mechanism to
accomplish the task. It may have any number of bars in the mechanism as long as it is
greater than or equal to four. The catapult mechanism will use only one specified motor
to power the system. Another constraint on the catapult mechanism is that it must be
made entirely from wood. This mechanism cannot start with any potential energy stored
in the system before the motor is turned on. The motor may be used to build up potential
energy but may not be run for more than 30 seconds before actually firing the catapult
system. Finally, the entire mechanism has to meet a space constraint of 2’ by 2’ and
cannot leave that space while in operation.