All RFP prices quoted are considered firm for a period of 180 days from the RFP Closing date. The supplier agrees to honor said pricing if an award is made during the 180 days period and shall be firm for the first 24 months of the Contract. KRUNGSRI GROUP retains the right to add, eliminate, or modify additional services and/or equipment to the agreement, prior to the final awarding of a contract, if awarded.
The term of the Contract will be for a period of 24 months subject to negotiation with the successful Bidder. KRUNGSRI GROUP reserves the right to cancel any contract or agreement with 30 days written notice. KRUNGSRI GROUP reserves the right to reject all proposals, in whole or in part, and/or enter into negotiations with any company whether a respondent or not. KRUNGSRI GROUP is under no obligation to award a contract on the basis of this RFP. KRUNGSRI GROUP shall not be obligated for payment of any amount to any company responding to this RFP until and unless a written agreement is executed.
All products supplied under any agreement entered into, shall be warranted against any faulty manufacture or workmanship for a minimum period of ninety (90) days or longer as agreed under any warranty schedule. Replacement of defective products shall be free of charge (including freight costs) to KRUNGSRI GROUP.