An in vitro micropropagation protocol was developed for Capsicum chinense Jacq. popularly known as habenaro pepper which is one of the world’s hottest chilli and it is a traditional food item of the Naga people. Nagaland is believed to be the original home for the chilli pepper. The Guinness book of World record has awarded this chilli as hottest one as it contains 1,041,427 Scoville Heat units (SHU). In vitro propagation plays an important role in conservation, preservation of genetically pure plants, crop improvement, and production of disease free and disease resistant plants. The effect of Plant growth regulators were utilised in different concentration with combination for the regeneration of multiple shoot proliferation and callus induction. The study revealed that MS medium supplemented with BAP alone or in combination with IAA, Adenine Sulphate for multiple shoot development. Maximum numbers of shoot buds were produced in MS medium containing 19.98 μM BAP with 5.71 μM IAA and 13.31 μM BAP with 13.56 μM Ad.S. Successful induction of Callus from leaf and internodal part of in vitro raised plants were achieved in MS medium in combination of 6.66 μM BAP with 9.05 μM 2.4.D and 6.66 μM BAP with 8.06 μM NAA respectively. The rooting was achieved on MS medium containing 7.36 μM IBA, and the rooted plantlets were transplanted to the sterile soil to acclimatize the green house condition for resumed growth.