Everything meant nothing to you now. Your boyfriend broke up with you for another chick you never really liked. Just flat out dumped you. At home, your parents were never there really because for one: they were wealthy, and two: they were always out of town so you could take care of yourself. One thing that did make you happy was reading Creepy Pasta stories. Your favorite was Glitchy Red, because you liked Pokemon. Although he never talked you thought he looked like a sweetheart. Lost Silver was sweet too but Red was your most favorite.
Although today at school you saw a kid that looked like Red. He had the black hair, reddish brown eyes, he always wore a red cap, red and white hoodie, and black jeans. You never talked to him before, but every once in a while you would catch him from the corner of your eye looking at you. Because of the recent events with your ex-boyfriend you wouldn’t talk to him or anybody. Another thing that was also strange was that he had every class you had, and went you were put in groups without him, he would walk to the teacher and ask to be in your group which of course that wish was granted...yet you two never talked.