2.2. Sampling and data collection
About 100 terminal shoots measuring average length of 20 cm
were tagged in four directions of the experimental trees. Observations on the response of paclobutrazol on flower induction was monitored at 15 days interval after 1 month of paclobutrazol
application and number of floral buds produced were recorded to
calculate average days required for 50% flowering. Observations
were also recorded on days from flowering to harvest, fruit number/plant, fruit yield/plant, average fruit weight, TSS and acidity as
per standard procedures. The flower induction was expressed as
per cent of trees that flowered.
Periodical sampling at weekly interval wasmade for shoots from
2nd week of September till visual indications of bud burst were
evident. The analysis for C:N ratio in shoots, water potential in
leaves (w) and phytohormones in leaves and terminal buds in
the paclobutrazol untreated and treated trees were made at 30 and
15 days before bud burst and at floral bud induction stages.