Yuu-fai, or lying by the fire, is a traditional Thai practice which is believed to warm
the uterus and prevent blood from clotting inside it.11 It is believed that if a woman
rests near the fire, her uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy state faster. In addition
to healing the uterus, yuu-fai is also said to ensure good skin in old age, to promote
overall health, energy, and well-being, to prevent aches and health problems, and to
stimulate the supply of breast milk (Phongphit and Hewison 1990; Whittaker 1999;
Kaewsam and Moyle 2000). Yuu-fai is also treated as a family event, bringing
everyone together for the celebration of a newborn. Throughout the confinement
period, the mother lies by the fire, while the family and relatives tend the bonfire day
and night and take care of the mother, who is not allowed to leave the premises.