Remove cover. For setpoint adjustment on either increasing or
decreasing pressure to within ±1% of nominal range, mount the
switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such
as an ASHCROFT® Duragauge or test gauge. Monitor switch
with a light or meter.
Pressurize the system to the required higher setpoint pressure
and turn adjuster “B” until the switch operates or resets as
required. See discussion of increasing or decreasing pressure
setpoints and deadband verification under Series GP-S Single
Switch. When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower
the pressure to ensure that the setpoint is correct. Then reduce
system pressure to the required lower setpoint pressure and
turn adjuster “A” until the switch operates or resets as required.
Verify this setpoint by raising and lowering pressure. Now
increase system pressure to higher setpoint and make final
adjustment on “B.