In Journal version 2.3 the Product Tabs / Blocks module has been enhanced to include the ability to add a tab or custom block not only globally or on individual products, but on entire categories or brands as well. Multistore support had been added as well.
Use as Original Description
A custom block may be used as the original product description and placed in the 4 available positions, useful for those who want to move the description on the right alongside the product options or under the main product image.
Enquiry Replace Add to Cart button with Request Info button
A new function called Enquiry has been added to replace the Add to Cart button for certain products (or just the ones from a particular category or brand) with a Request Info type button that can open a Popup module with a contact form.
The mail sent from the Popup module will include a link of the page it was sent from for easy reference.
New Options in v 2.3
1 Content Type - Can now use the module as custom content or as the original product description (original description tab is hidden if the Description option is used here). Additionally, the Enquiry option can be used to turn the block into a Request Info button at the product page (replaces the Add to Cart button) that opens a Popup module with a contact from in it.
2 Popup Module - The Popup module to be opened from the Request Info button.
3 Show On - Have the tab or custom block appear on All products, individual products or entire categories or brands.
4 Store - Multistore support, can assign tabs or custom blocks to certain stores.