The purposes of this Thesis were to gather and summarize information from different publications
about the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Game Design, then show how the HCI has
been applied in the Game Design. Therefore, I started by exploring the many aspects of the Human
Computer Interaction research and practices, which included the knowledge from different
fields, the three concerned components in HCI (the human, the computer and the interaction),
and the set of design steps and design‘s principles for creating a usable interface of different
software related products. And according to Alan Dix and his associates (2004), ―the ideal designer
of an interactive system would have expertise in a range of topics, since it is not possible
to design effective interactive system from one discipline in isolation
5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONThe purposes of this Thesis were to gather and summarize information from different publicationsabout the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Game Design, then show how the HCI hasbeen applied in the Game Design. Therefore, I started by exploring the many aspects of the HumanComputer Interaction research and practices, which included the knowledge from differentfields, the three concerned components in HCI (the human, the computer and the interaction),and the set of design steps and design‘s principles for creating a usable interface of differentsoftware related products. And according to Alan Dix and his associates (2004), ―the ideal designerof an interactive system would have expertise in a range of topics, since it is not possibleto design effective interactive system from one discipline in isolation
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