Joe came home work and opened his mailbox . In soap co his mailbox he found a yellow bottle of soap-soap for washing dishes. The dish soap was a free sample from a soap compan mailed small bottles of soap to people . it was a new soap with a little lemon juice in it. The company wanted people to try it.
joe looked at his free bottle of soap . There was a picture of two lemons on the label . Over the lemons were the words with Real Lemon Juice.
Good Joe thought. A free sample of lemon juice i'm going to have a salad for
dinner . This lemon juice will taste good on my salad. Joe put the soap on his salad and ate it. After Joe ate the salad ,he felt sick . Joe wasn't the only person who got sick . A lot of people thoght the soap was lemon juice . They put the soap on fist ,on salads,and in tea. Later they felt sick,too. Some people had stomachaches but felt better in a few hours. Some people few hours . Some people felt realy sick and went to the hospital. Luckily,no one died from eating the soap.
What can we from Joe's story? Read labels carefully. And don't eat dish soapfor dinner