An experimental co-generation power plant (CGPP-10) using aluminum micron powder (with average
particle size up to 70 m) as primary fuel and water as primary oxidant was developed and tested. Power
plant can work in autonomous (unconnected from industrial network) nonstop regime producing hydrogen,
electrical energy and heat. One of the key components of experimental plant is aluminum–water
high-pressure reactor projected for hydrogen production rate of ∼10 nm3 h−1. Hydrogen from the reactor
goes through condenser and dehumidifier and with −25 ◦C dew-point temperature enters into the
air-hydrogen fuel cell 16 kW-battery. From 1 kg of aluminum the experimental plant produces 1 kWh
of electrical energy and 5–7 kWh of heat. Power consumer gets about 10 kW of electrical power. Plant
electrical and total efficiencies are 12% and 72%, respectively.