In remote rural areas, land is sometimes considered to have unrestricted
access and can, therefore, be used by anyone for free. Most often this land
is only de facto open access. In reality, it generally belongs to the state. The
state or rather its institutions, however, lack the capacity to regulate access
to this land. Local people may not be aware that the state considers itself
owner and neither regards it as common property of the local community
or open access. A prerequisite for sustainable land use planning is, therefore,
the clarification of the responsibility for natural resource management
between the state and the local community. If the state is and wants
to remain responsible for state land management or state forests, it has to
fulfil its duties in the form of sustainable regulation, transparent inventory
and registration etc. If the state does not have the capacities and won’t be
able to acquire them in due time or to eliminate corruption, the management
of natural resources might – at least partially – be decentralized to
local communities managing them together. Experience has proven repeatedly
that collective ownership and management of natural resources
contributes significantly to their sustainable use.
In remote rural areas, land is sometimes considered to have unrestrictedaccess and can, therefore, be used by anyone for free. Most often this landis only de facto open access. In reality, it generally belongs to the state. Thestate or rather its institutions, however, lack the capacity to regulate accessto this land. Local people may not be aware that the state considers itselfowner and neither regards it as common property of the local communityor open access. A prerequisite for sustainable land use planning is, therefore,the clarification of the responsibility for natural resource managementbetween the state and the local community. If the state is and wantsto remain responsible for state land management or state forests, it has tofulfil its duties in the form of sustainable regulation, transparent inventoryand registration etc. If the state does not have the capacities and won’t beable to acquire them in due time or to eliminate corruption, the managementof natural resources might – at least partially – be decentralized tolocal communities managing them together. Experience has proven repeatedlythat collective ownership and management of natural resourcescontributes significantly to their sustainable use.
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