The difference between normative and positive economics on issues of intertemporal equity and efficiency for promotion of economic growth in market economy is our main purpose in this paper. Traditional Economics acknowledge stresses on the Economic growth and Equity as two opposite goals that an economic system cannot achieve contemporaneously. So policy maker is in a trading off situation between these two goals. Generally, the main objective for social planners is to have a higher economic growth rather than a fairer distribution of income. This is ethically indefensible. How much does growth-equity draw from the perspective of modern econom-ics? Is there really any kind of trade-off between these two goals? Is there any difference between ethical economics by paying attention to justice for generations and positive economics pursuing higher economic growth as a target from the view point of market economy? This is the kind of question in which we want to find an answer for, in this paper. We also test our enquiry by using the data and statistics of selected MENA countries. In addition we want to observe the capacity of MENA region for a higher rate of economic growth and a fairer distribution contemporaneously. For this purpose in the next section