Conclusion and suggestion
We conducted the experiments to evaluate the performance of two different Smartphone with respect to HTML5 and flash plug-in based applications. To visualize user experience and readiness of HTML5 web applications we conducted experiments considering different constraints: page loading time, CPU and memory consumption as presented in §4. The observations were made by analyzing the packet traces while loading the web applications and by visualizing the application rendering within the browser. The application rendering time however is a constraint that is dependent on and limited to the mobile device hardware and operating system. Although the HTML5 pages are responded back from the server faster, the limitations in the JavaScript page rendering time in windows mobile phones makes the applications run slower. Despite this fact, we expect a better user experience in terms of mobile phone performance while accessing HTML5 web applications because of the less CPU and memory consumption of the mobile phones while accessing the HTML5 based web contents.
If mobile device operating systems and mobile browsers have a better JavaScript execution time, the performance of HTML5 is expected to take over to legacy plug-in based applications. Also, with new mobile device operating systems like android and their support for most of the HTML5 capabilities in the native browsers as well the performance of HTML5 based web applications are better and smoother.
From the experiments conducted and observations taken, we came to an conclusion that although the performance of HTML5 based web applications were providing better user experience in terms of network loading time, CPU and Memory consumption thus increasing the possibility of switching between the applications within the mobile devices, the flash based applications were smoother and faster in terms of rendering in the browsers. In terms of single application access by the user, the flash based applications, as we observed were effective in terms of rendering and display but would limit the multi-tasking feature of the mobile device with low effective utilization of the application switching capability.
HTML5 is in the development process and developers are trying to make it better with more features. However, adding more new tags and capabilities to the DOM layer and making the universal standard for all browsers will not still make HTML5 better than other legacy plug-in based applications until the developers can provide a better JavaScript engine for mobile devices for less page rendering time in the client device. Also the device hardware limits the performance of HTML5 web applications