By denition a teacher is one who instructs and educates. However, during my sophomore year, my English teacher, Ms. Langson, demonstrated the true meaning of a teacher. She taught me that a teacher is not only one who educates and instructs, but one who cares, encourages, and inspires. Ms. Langson is not only my former English teacher, but my inspiration to succeed and be the best that I possibly can. Ms. Langson is truly the most dedicated teacher in Brockton High School. She arrives at school before most teachers even wake up in the morning and leaves as the custodians are cleaning. Not only is she dedicated to her students’ academics, but their extra-curricular activities. You will always see her cheering on her students at games, concerts, and drama productions. For instance, I was extremely touched when I saw her in the stands at my junior varsity softball game last year. It showed me that she not only cares about me as a student, but as a person. In Ms. Langson’s classroom I did not only study literature, but I learned about the true meanings of life. Specically, Ms. Langson inuenced me in areas of scholarship and character. Ms. Langson taught me to be a scholarly individual. I have learned that I must set my goals high and strive for them regardless of other‘s opinions. She also taught me that the harder I work, the more successful I will become in life. Moreover, I hope one day I can have the same characteristics as Ms. Langson. I hope that I can be as devoted in my career as she is in hers. Ms. Langson demonstrates that a career is not only a source of income, but a true passion. Her kind and compassionate actions reveal her to be a true humanitarian. From her dedication to her students to her charitable ways, Ms. Langson is truly the most benevolent person I know. In addition to scholarship and character, Ms. Langson has inuenced me in matters of leadership and community service. She has molded me into ...