Civil partnership in Germany provides for many of the same rights as marriage. It affords key rights to couples such as in matters of adoption, tenancy and inheritance rights. The law is also important for foreigners who wish to live in Germany as civil partnership can guarantee an unlimited residence permit (unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis) and may help when arranging a work permit. Couples may also take each other’s names, obtain a settlement in the event of a separation. They must also support each other financially.
Since the introduction of civil partnerships in 2001 there has been a gradual expansion of the rights enjoyed by same-sex couples, principally as a result of court rulings. In 2004 the German parliament extended additional rights to same-sex couples meaning that:
Same-sex couples cannot be compelled to testify against each other in court;
Surviving partners qualify for the state pension;
Partners can adopt the biological children of the other partner (although they cannot adopt children as a couple).