Teacher inquiry and teachers engaging in research—A continuum
Chanelle, Natasha, and Keisha were all new teachers prepared for teaching at the University of Hartford in either the undergraduate or graduate programs leading to initial licensure in early childhood/early elementary. The birth–age 8 programs include two full semesters of supervised student teaching. These are at two distinct developmental levels and inclusive of early care and early elementary school settings. During both student teaching semesters, the preservice students complete a 14-week teacher inquiry project. Inquiry requires students to identify a question about an aspect of their professional practice, develop a method of acquiring data to better understand the area of interest, analyze the resulting data, and discuss the results and implications of the work. For many students this is a very new experience.
Teacher inquiry and teachers engaging in research—A continuumการสอบถามครูและครูมีส่วนร่วมในการวิจัยต่อเนื่อง-AChanelle, Natasha, and Keisha were all new teachers prepared for teaching at the University of Hartford in either the undergraduate or graduate programs leading to initial licensure in early childhood/early elementary. The birth–age 8 programs include two full semesters of supervised student teaching. These are at two distinct developmental levels and inclusive of early care and early elementary school settings. During both student teaching semesters, the preservice students complete a 14-week teacher inquiry project. Inquiry requires students to identify a question about an aspect of their professional practice, develop a method of acquiring data to better understand the area of interest, analyze the resulting data, and discuss the results and implications of the work. For many students this is a very new experience.
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