It is clear that globalisation has failed to rid the world of poverty. การแปล - It is clear that globalisation has failed to rid the world of poverty. อิตาลี วิธีการพูด

It is clear that globalisation has

It is clear that globalisation has failed to rid the world of poverty. Rather than being an unstoppable force for development, globalisation now seems more like an economic temptress, promising riches to everyone but only delivering to the few. Although global average per capita income rose strongly throughout the 20th century, the income gap between rich and poor countries has been widening for many decades. Globalisation has not worked.
The reason globalisation has not worked is because there has not been enough of it. If countries, including the rich industrialised ones, got rid of all their protectionist measures, everyone would benefit from the resulting increase in international trade: it's simple economics. If unnecessary government regulation can be eliminated, and investors and corporations can act freely, the result will be an overall increase in prosperity as the "invisible hand" of the market does its work.

Tell that to countries that have followed this route. I doubt many people in Argentina would agree. Many developing countries have done exactly what free market evangelists such as the International Monetary Fund told them to and have failed to see the benefits. The truth is that no industrialised society developed through such policies. American businesses were protected from foreign competition in the 19th century, as were companies in more recent "success stories" such as South Korea. Faith in the free market contradicts history and statistical evidence.

You're looking at the wrong statistics. In most cases, low-income countries are the ones that have not been able to integrate with the global economy as quickly as others, partly because of their chosen policies and partly because of factors outside their control. The plain truth is that no country, least of all the poorest, can afford to remain isolated from the world economy.

Even if this were true, what about the other unwanted effects of globalisation? The power of corporations and the global financial markets adversely affect the sovereignty of countries by limiting governments' ability to determine tax and exchange rate policies as well as their ability to impose regulations on companies' behaviour. Countries are now involved in a "race to the bottom" to attract and retain investment; multinational corporations are taking advantage of this to employ sweatshop labour and then skim off huge profits while paying very little tax.

First, governments' sovereignty has not been compromised. The power of the biggest corporations is nothing compared with that of government. Can a company raise taxes or an army? No. Second, nations are not involved in a "race to the bottom". Figures last year showed that governments around the world are on average collecting slightly more taxes in real terms than they were 10 years earlier. And the argument that workers in poorer countries are being exploited is hard to support. They are clearly better off working for multinationals. If they weren't, they wouldn't work for them. In fact research shows that wages paid by foreign firms to workers in poorer countries are about double the local manufacturing wage.

But what about these so-called multilateral organisations like the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organisation? I don't remember electing them, so what gives them the right to say how countries run their own affairs? Isn't it obvious that these organisations only serve the interests of the US and to a lesser extent the other rich countries? Their only role is to peddle the neoliberal orthodoxy - the Washington consensus - that only impoverishes the poorest nations and maximises the profits of multinationals.

It is only through organisations such as these that the less developed countries have a chance to improve their situations. The IMF is there to bail out countries that get into financial difficulties. Governments go to the IMF because the alternative is much worse. If the IMF and its sister organisation, the World Bank, were shut down, the flow of resources to developing countries would diminish, leaving the developing world even worse off. The WTO is a different kind of organisation and is run on a one-country-one-vote basis with no regard for the economic power of each nation; every single member has a veto. In addition, no country can be compelled to obey a WTO rule that it opposed in the first place.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อิตาลี) 1: [สำเนา]
È chiaro che la globalizzazione non è riuscito a liberare il mondo della povertà. Piuttosto che essendo una forza inarrestabile sviluppo, globalizzazione ora sembra più un economico tentatrice, promettendo ricchezze a tutti ma solo offrendo ai pochi. Sebbene il reddito pro capite medio globale è aumentato fortemente per tutto il XX secolo, il divario di reddito tra paesi ricchi e poveri è stato ampliamento per molti decenni. La globalizzazione non ha funzionato.Il motivo che la globalizzazione non ha funzionato è perché non c'è abbastanza di esso. Se paesi, compresi quelli industrializzati ricchi, sono sbarazzati di tutte le loro misure protezionistiche, tutti beneficerebbero l'aumento risultante nel commercio internazionale: si tratta di semplice economia. Se la regolamentazione governativa inutili può essere eliminati, e gli investitori e le società possono agire liberamente, il risultato sarà un aumento nella prosperità generale come la "mano invisibile" del mercato fa il suo lavoro.Dicono che nei paesi che hanno seguito questo percorso. Dubito che molte persone in Argentina sarebbe d'accordo. Molti paesi in via di sviluppo hanno fatto esattamente ciò che evangelisti di libero mercato come il fondo monetario internazionale ha detto loro di e non sono riusciti a vedere i benefici. La verità è che nessuna società industrializzata sviluppato attraverso tali politiche. Le aziende americane sono stati protetti dalla concorrenza straniera nel XIX secolo, come erano le società nella più recente "success stories" come la Corea del sud. Fede nel libero mercato contraddice la storia e l'evidenza statistica.Stai guardando le statistiche sbagliate. Nella maggior parte dei casi, i paesi a basso reddito sono quelli che non sono stati in grado di integrarsi con l'economia globale più rapidamente degli altri, parzialmente a causa delle loro politiche selezionate e in parte a causa di fattori fuori del loro controllo. La semplice verità è che nessun paese, meno di tutti i più poveri, può permettersi di rimanere isolato dall'economia mondiale.Anche se ciò fosse vero, che cosa circa gli altri indesiderati effetti della globalizzazione? Il potere delle corporazioni e i mercati finanziari globali influenzare negativamente la sovranità dei paesi, limitando la capacità dei governi di determinare le politiche fiscali e del cambio, nonché la loro capacità di imporre regole sul comportamento delle imprese. Ora sono coinvolti paesi in una "corsa verso il basso" per attrarre e mantenere gli investimenti; multinazionali stanno approfittando di questo di impiegare manodopera sweatshop e poi scremare fuori enormi profitti pagando molto poco fiscale.In primo luogo, sovranità dei governi non è stata compromessa. Il potere delle corporazioni più grandi è che nulla in confronto con quella del governo. Può una società aumentare le tasse o un esercito? N. In secondo luogo, le nazioni non sono coinvolti in una "corsa verso il basso". Figure dello scorso anno ha mostrato che i governi di tutto il mondo sono in media leggermente più tasse in termini reali rispetto a 10 anni prima di raccogliere. E l'argomento che i lavoratori nei paesi più poveri sono sfruttati è difficile da sostenere. Essi sono chiaramente meglio lavorare per le multinazionali. Se non fossero, essi non lavorano per loro. Infatti ricerca dimostra che i salari pagati dalle imprese straniere ai lavoratori nei paesi più poveri sono circa il doppio del salario di produzione locale.Ma che dire di queste cosiddette organizzazioni multilaterali come il FMI, Banca mondiale e organizzazione mondiale del commercio? Non ricordo di loro, eleggendo così ciò che dà loro il diritto di dire come paesi eseguire i propri affari? Non è ovvio che queste organizzazioni servono solo gli interessi degli Stati Uniti e in misura minore gli altri paesi ricchi? Loro unico ruolo è quello di spacciare l'ortodossia neoliberista - il consenso di Washington - che solo impoverisce le nazioni più povere e massimizza i profitti delle multinazionali.È solo attraverso organizzazioni come queste che i paesi meno sviluppati hanno la possibilità di migliorare la loro situazione. Il FMI è lì per impiccio paesi che entrare in difficoltà finanziarie. Governi andare al FMI, perché l'alternativa è molto peggio. Se il fondo monetario internazionale e sua sorella organizzazione, Banca mondiale, sono state chiuse, diminuirebbe il flusso delle risorse nei paesi in via di sviluppo, lasciando il mondo in via di sviluppo anche peggio. L'OMC è un diverso tipo di organizzazione e viene eseguito su una base uno-paese-uno-il voto senza riguardo per la potenza economica di ogni nazione; ogni singolo membro ha il diritto di veto. Inoltre, nessun paese può essere costretto a rispettare una regola del WTO che oppone al primo posto.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อิตาลี) 2:[สำเนา]
It is clear that globalisation has failed to rid the world of poverty. Rather than being an unstoppable force for development, globalisation now seems more like an economic temptress, promising riches to everyone but only delivering to the few. Although global average per capita income rose strongly throughout the 20th century, the income gap between rich and poor countries has been widening for many decades. Globalisation has not worked.
The reason globalisation has not worked is because there has not been enough of it. If countries, including the rich industrialised ones, got rid of all their protectionist measures, everyone would benefit from the resulting increase in international trade: it's simple economics. If unnecessary government regulation can be eliminated, and investors and corporations can act freely, the result will be an overall increase in prosperity as the "invisible hand" of the market does its work.

Tell that to countries that have followed this route. I doubt many people in Argentina would agree. Many developing countries have done exactly what free market evangelists such as the International Monetary Fund told them to and have failed to see the benefits. The truth is that no industrialised society developed through such policies. American businesses were protected from foreign competition in the 19th century, as were companies in more recent "success stories" such as South Korea. Faith in the free market contradicts history and statistical evidence.

You're looking at the wrong statistics. In most cases, low-income countries are the ones that have not been able to integrate with the global economy as quickly as others, partly because of their chosen policies and partly because of factors outside their control. The plain truth is that no country, least of all the poorest, can afford to remain isolated from the world economy.

Even if this were true, what about the other unwanted effects of globalisation? The power of corporations and the global financial markets adversely affect the sovereignty of countries by limiting governments' ability to determine tax and exchange rate policies as well as their ability to impose regulations on companies' behaviour. Countries are now involved in a "race to the bottom" to attract and retain investment; multinational corporations are taking advantage of this to employ sweatshop labour and then skim off huge profits while paying very little tax.

First, governments' sovereignty has not been compromised. The power of the biggest corporations is nothing compared with that of government. Can a company raise taxes or an army? No. Second, nations are not involved in a "race to the bottom". Figures last year showed that governments around the world are on average collecting slightly more taxes in real terms than they were 10 years earlier. And the argument that workers in poorer countries are being exploited is hard to support. They are clearly better off working for multinationals. If they weren't, they wouldn't work for them. In fact research shows that wages paid by foreign firms to workers in poorer countries are about double the local manufacturing wage.

But what about these so-called multilateral organisations like the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organisation? I don't remember electing them, so what gives them the right to say how countries run their own affairs? Isn't it obvious that these organisations only serve the interests of the US and to a lesser extent the other rich countries? Their only role is to peddle the neoliberal orthodoxy - the Washington consensus - that only impoverishes the poorest nations and maximises the profits of multinationals.

It is only through organisations such as these that the less developed countries have a chance to improve their situations. The IMF is there to bail out countries that get into financial difficulties. Governments go to the IMF because the alternative is much worse. If the IMF and its sister organisation, the World Bank, were shut down, the flow of resources to developing countries would diminish, leaving the developing world even worse off. The WTO is a different kind of organisation and is run on a one-country-one-vote basis with no regard for the economic power of each nation; every single member has a veto. In addition, no country can be compelled to obey a WTO rule that it opposed in the first place.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อิตาลี) 3:[สำเนา]
È chiaro che la globalizzazione è riuscita a liberare il mondo dalla povertà. Invece di essere una forza per lo sviluppo, la globalizzazione ora sembra più un economico temptress, promettente ricchezza per tutti, ma solo in pochi. Sebbene global media del reddito pro capite è aumentato fortemente per tutto il 20° secolo,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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