Behavioral results indicate that certainty feelings strongly influence buying behavior particularly among High MA. More purchases occurred under the straightforward no promotions format for both groups and when reference price confidence was high for High MA. Our ERP results demonstrate differential sensitivity to neural processes during buying for a group that should process price information relatively less fluently compared to a more fluent group. We liken the effects obtained during price evaluation as strong candidates for neural markers of fluency differences related to buying across promotion levels and between math anxiety groups. Similar to others, we interpret P200 as a marker of perceptual fluency, FN400 as a neural signature for conceptual fluency, and LPC as indicative of explicit memory-based retrieval (e.g., Rugg et al., 1998). Component differences emerging during Buy likely characterize the actual buying process itself. Emergent differences during Price, on the other hand, reflect the dynamics of processing the numerical information that feed into the buying decision. We address each of these separately below.