Two persons who enter into a civil covenant of solidarity shall make a joint declaration of it at the court office of the
tribunal d'instance under the jurisdiction of which they fix their common residence.
On pain of dismissal, they shall file with the clerk the agreement concluded between them in duplicate original and
add the documents of civil status which allow to establish the validity of the transaction with respect to Article 515-2, as
well as a certificate of the court office of the tribunal d'instance of their places of birth or, in case of birth abroad, of the
court office of the tribunal de grande instance of Paris, attesting that they are not already bound by a civil covenant of
After the filing of the set of documents, the clerk shall enter that declaration into a register.
The clerk shall countersign and date the two originals of the agreement and give them back to each partner.
He shall have a mention of the declaration entered into a register held in the court office of the tribunal d'instance of
the place of birth of each partner or, in case of birth abroad, in the court office of the tribunal de grande instance of Paris.
An entry in the register of the place of residence shall attribute an undisputable date to the civil covenant of
solidarity and render it effective against third parties.
Any amendment to the covenant shall be the subject of a joint declaration entered at the court office that received
the initial transaction, to which shall be added, on pain of dismissal and in duplicate original, the instrument amending
the agreement. The formalities provided for in paragraph 4 shall apply.
Abroad, the entry of a joint declaration of a covenant binding two partners of whom one at least is of French
nationality, the formalities provided for in paragraphs 2 and 4 and those required in case of an amendment of the
covenant shall be the responsibility of French diplomatic and consular agents.