This study was carried out at the Makouei Sheep Breeding and Raising Station (MSBS) in Maku, Western Azerbaijan, Iran. From the flock at the station, 50 estrus synchronized clinically healthy 2- to 5-year-old Makouei ewes, with a body weight of 45.00 ± 2.30 kg (ranging from 39.00 to 47.00 kg) and parity ranging between two to four lambing were used in the trial. Ewes were assigned as twin-bearing ewes following ultrasonography 35 days after synchronized mating. The mean birth weight of the lambs was 3.80 ± 0.50 kg (ranging from 3.20 to 4.10 kg). The animals were housed in a well-ventilated building with free access to water. The trial lasted for the period between seven days of pre-partum and seven days of post-partum. Two weeks were served as an adaptation period before the main experiments started, allowed the ewes to adapt to the new ration and housing conditions. Diets were formulated based on NRC guidelines, offered as a total mixed ration (TMR), and adjusted for changes in dry matter intake (DMI) weekly.8 Total mixed ration offered ad libitum twice daily at 09:00 AM and 15:00 PM. Nutrient composition of the TMR was varied with the stage of pregnancy and lactation (Table 1).