As openness to change is an initial condition for positive attitude toward change
(Erturk, 2008), better understanding of its predictors can help the change leaders to
improve employees’ acceptance of change, and ultimately improve the odds of successful
change. Therefore, taking into account the prior research, this study is aimed at
developing a comprehensive model of predictors of openness to change by integrating the
existing empirical findings and theories on growth-need strength, self-efficacy, leadermember
exchange, change communication, and participation in the change process in one
study. Furthermore, in line with the recent attention to the role of contextual moderators
in explaining individuals’ behavior (Huang & Ryan, 2011), this study will examine how
the contextual variables, namely leader-member exchange, quality of change
communication, and participation in change process interact with growth-need strength
and self-efficacy to predict openness to change.