Information technology for improving
track and trace capabilities.
To manage, monitor, and secure container
shipments, Savi and Qualcomm
co-developed an integrated service to
provide real-time track and trace capability:
Savi uses RFID tags, readers,
software, and electronic seals placed
on cargo containers, while Qualcomm
uses satellites to track and trace the
container movement and the seal status
information conveyed by the RFID
readers and the electronic seals. In
Europe, the pharmaceutical industry
started a new initiative in 2010 that
is intended to fight the trade of counterfeit
drugs. Under this initiative,
pharmaceutical manufacturers add a
serialization code (a unique machine
readable “passport” number) to each
pack of medicine before distribution,
where this passport number is
Information technology for improvingtrack and trace capabilities.To manage, monitor, and secure containershipments, Savi and Qualcommco-developed an integrated service toprovide real-time track and trace capability:Savi uses RFID tags, readers,software, and electronic seals placedon cargo containers, while Qualcommuses satellites to track and trace thecontainer movement and the seal statusinformation conveyed by the RFIDreaders and the electronic seals. InEurope, the pharmaceutical industrystarted a new initiative in 2010 thatis intended to fight the trade of counterfeitdrugs. Under this initiative,pharmaceutical manufacturers add aserialization code (a unique machinereadable “passport” number) to eachpack of medicine before distribution,where this passport number is
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