HCL leadership provides oversight through the Delivery & Operations Council to ensure that the various Line of Business delivery teams sustain industrialization of processes, frameworks & tools and are supported by requisite technical training.
• The Delivery Assurance team drives the definition and
implementation of new practices and frameworks for efficient
and effective delivery of products and services.
• The Quality team drives continuous process improvement, so
as to align with mature and evolving international process
standards and certifications.
• The Tools team identifies, develops and supports the new tools
that are deployed and also provides consulting and tools related
training to project teams.
• The Talent Development Group supports the Technical Training
team (called TechCEED) which focuses on competency
enhancement to continually upgrade the technical competency
of delivery teams and also manages the Learning Management
The Council works closely with the vertical and horizontal Line of
Business delivery units to ensure adoption and implementation of the
latest technological enhancements in their respective domains. In
addition to the in-house training and development initiatives, the
Company keeps itself abreast and updated on the contemporary
developments in the technology landscape through participation in key
technology forums and conferences to continuously evaluate and adopt
technology solutions to replace human intervention and dependency.
This construct ensures a consistent and sustained focus on
improving quality, productivity and predictability of delivery, governed
by six principles – standardization, lean process, tools and
automation, creating a pool of skilled people, knowledge
management and continuous improvement.