The view of GSS portrayed by Power (2003)
is that they are text-based tools made with the
purpose of remedying some problems of decision
making in copresent groups. These systems
claim to remove the social obstacles that prevent
individuals from attaining their full potential in
the group. Anonymity is central to achieving this
full potential of individuals in a group. Shy people
tend not to speak in a group discussion face-toface.
This hinders them from contributing to the
group. GSS solve this problem by allowing these
individuals to evade their shyness in the public
and input their contributions through individual
human computer interaction devices, thus achieving
the goal of removing this social obstacle from
these individuals and facilitating them to reach
their full potential in the group. Meanwhile, the
systems help prevent aggressive individuals in
the group from driving the meeting, which is
typically a potentially intimidating source to the
shy people in a group.